2009 Robertson and Caine Leopard 46 Owners Version

Oyster Pond, Saint Martin (French part)

Prix :


  • Vendu : 7/23/2015

Vue d'ensemble du yacht

Nom : 
Longueur : 
Type de bateau : 
Localisation :
Oyster Pond, Saint Martin (French part)

Leopard 46 Owners version

BIG PRICE DROP  SPRING 2015: owner wants this to be the next Leopard 46 to be sold

Brokers comments: We sold this boat to the first and current owner. He has only used his catamaran seasonally and had professionals take care of maintenance items. Very low engine hours, under 900, fully loaded with all gear needed for a comfortable and safe blue water cruise.

Manufacturers comments:  The Leopard 46 was the new bench mark  for fast cruising catamarans when introduced in 2007. Almost 200 of this model were build. Highest bridge deck clearance it its class, and the underwater body design by Morelli & Melvin ensures great daily averages. The Leopard 46 is a sought after model, equally comfortable at anchor as in sailing the seven seas. 

Availability: Immediate


  • Nom: Nasylau
  • Chantier: Robertson and Caine
  • Modèle: Leopard 46 Owners Version
  • Longueur: 46ft / 14.02m
  • Année: 2009
  • Lieu: Oyster Pond, MF
  • Prix: €367,200
  • Materiau de coque: Fiberglass


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